One of the most challenging aspects of retailing is choosing the layout that’s right for your store’s unique configuration. Another is to combine it with eye-appealing displays that pull customers in and convince them to buy. Using examples of industry store makeovers of her design, professional store planner Georganne Bender will share ideas and advice you can take to the bank. From the parking lot to the back door, and every space in-between you’ll learn the latest in merchandising tricks of the trade to increase your “shelf esteem” – and store sales! You’ll learn:
- How to determine which store layout works best for your sales floor
- How to choose the colors and décor that make sense for what you sell
- How to identify and properly utilize your store’s Decompression Zone
- Why checkout and service counter placement is critical
- How to use Cross-Merchandising to sell multiple items and increase your average sale, and more.
You’ll leave armed with strategies, tactics, tips and techniques you can immediately use to shake up your sales floor… and sales!
Each attendee will receive a free copy of KIZER & BENDER’s illustrated ebook, Visual Merchandising & Store Design, a $24.95 value