Whiz Bang Retail Bootcamp with Bob Negen Growth! How to Dramatically Increase Your Sales in 2023
Growth does not usually happen by chance. It happens when you know exactly what to do and precisely how to do it. In this thought-provoking, hands-on workshop, you will gain tried and true strategies and tactics you can use as soon as you get back to your store.
You will learn:
- The three ways to grow your business and how to use them together for exponential growth
- How to get NEW customers for little or no money
- How to make your email marketing work 5 times harder for you
- The world’s best loyalty program for independent retailers
- How to turn pesky donation requests into big money in the bank
- The secret to intense customer loyalty
- … and much much more!
Bob Negen - WhizBang! Retail Training

Monday, April 10, 2023
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location Name
Champagne 1